GOD'S DREAM, is our dream...

To build  & consecrate THIS HOLY GROUND
to serve God as

- a sacred space prepared in time and place by the Spirit for union with God
- a holy (distinct/set apart) place of quiet prayer and deep rest
- a wilderness place of waiting, seeking, listening, and worshipping the Lord
- a refuge for restoration in Christ for the flourishing of souls



After three years of prayer, seeking, and discernment on our part,
God delivered us to the place He prepared for THIS HOLY GROUND.
It wasn’t the small two bedroom house that drew us, or
the five acres of wildly quiet Hawaiian rainforest,
but an amazing grove of Sugi Cedar trees -
a "Tent of Meeting" God raised.
We recognized God's promise for a sanctuary of prayer & worship
before we knew this would be our home.








THIS HOLY GROUND will be a sanctuary of prayer where all are
welcome in Christ's name: a distinct place, holy unto God, for
intimate re-union and restoration in the likeness of Jesus Christ.
It is a place where those drawn will experience God's presence,
uninterrupted by the noise of the world; where God will attend to each one personally. Just as in other times in the history of God and His people, place matters to the intimate relationship the Lord
is nurturing. We believe that God desires to reveal the nearness of His Kingdom right here on the Big Island of Hawai'i.


A prayer labyrinth encourages a contemplative journey:
a place where heart, mind, soul, and body can be offered to God.
It is also a place to experience meeting God in the Center, receiving God's blessing, and being sent from God, with God into the world.

In the forest, paths with benches and prayer shelters echo God's
invitation to draw near in rest and deeper reflection.

Our home will continue be a place for sharing meals, gathering for
fellowship and prayer, celebrating and remembering our with God stories together.


Here, on THIS HOLY GROUND, the Sanctuary of Prayer will be...


...the place God calls us to know and be known in Perfect Love
...a way our salvation is revealed in returning and rest

...as much about the journey, the pilgrimage - where the "place of meeting" begins
...where all are immersed in Kingdom Reality as God invites us to shed what separates us from Love
Here in this place God will meet us and kindle the consuming fire of eternal friendship.

For thus the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, has said:
"In returning and rest you will be saved. In quietness and trust is your strength." 
Isaiah 30:15

Come and See!
We welcome your prayers and support as we step forward in faith.
While this dream for a distinct place of meeting unfolds,
call or email to schedule spiritual direction or a retreat.
We'll design a guided retreat to meet the longing of your heart.
I'd be honored to share This Holy Ground with you!