A place to meet with God

Here, on THIS HOLY GROUND, you come away with Jesus
and  let God lead you to a place of deeper trust.
You follow Jesus in the way prepared for you
-- time away to remember who and how you are in Christ
-- time away to let God's Presence be your fullness

Why Jesus says, "COME AWAY."

You've been busy doing many things:
good things, necessary things, "with God" things.
But in the middle of the busy, noisy, shiny, important
calendar that keeps you, there isn't time scheduled for the
longing, the yearning of your heart.  Yet.  Listen to His voice.
Respond to the "still, small voice"  within.  Take the time away.
Travel lightly.  God is enough.
Alone, or with other disciples, embark on a prayerful journey
...away ... with Jesus ... for awhile.



And He said to them, "Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a while."  
(For there were many people coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat.)   Mark 6:31


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When we REST in Jesus...


...our striving and grasping cease.
A kind of stillness settles in and frees us
and we are able to look beyond ourselves.
We notice beauty and grace again.
We remember joy, awe, and wonder.
A rhythmic slowing realigns heart, mind, body and soul
healing us to wholeness in the Love of God.
Restored and renewed we are readied for growth.
We receive, by faith, life in abundance!

"Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  Matthew 11:28,29


What do you DO on a retreat?


You devote this time to attend to your relationship with God.
You seek to know as you are known.
Just like Jesus, you let your soul lead you into the quiet,
uncluttered, unscheduled place where God waits.
You come with questions, longings, hopes.
You come with absolutely nothing.
God meets you where you are.  God loves you as you are.
You don't have to DO anything.
Just come away with Jesus.  God is enough.







I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit,
for apart from Me you can do nothing.                                                                      John 15:5

Here, on THIS HOLY GROUND, we come away with Jesus... response to our Lord's invitation to rest in His friendship and peace find God waits in the wide open expanse of silence
...where the Holy Spirit is the true guide and each retreat is unique
...for renewal and restoration in the life-giving rhythm of God with us

Here in this place God meets with us and kindles the consuming fire of eternal friendship.

Come and See!
Call or email to schedule a retreat or spiritual direction.
Guided retreats can be designed to meet individual or group needs.
I'd be honored to share This Holy Ground with you!